4. Components

4.1. About

A component represents an area in the web application user interface that your test is interacting with. Component objects were created to represent every possible element a controller and/or test would need to reference. Component objects allow us to define an element once, and reference it however many times we need by it’s defined property. If any major changes are made to our target interface, we can change the definition of a component’s property once and it will work across all of our given controllers and tests. Reference: Page Object

4.2. Best Practices

Following this architectural pattern (controller, component) your component should only consist of element properties. Any accessory functionality should be provided by your controller.

If you haven’t already check out Getting Started for examples.

4.3. Attributes

When a component is instantiated, the constructor automatically binds the following attributes:

  • browser: Reference to parent controller’s webdriver.
  • env: Reference to parent controller’s env resource.

4.4. Descriptions

Components are constructed with a property __describe__ which will return a dictionary of Element, Element, and Component Group instances. This can be helpful for dynamically mapping and operating against arbitrary components.

>> {
>>   'element': [],
>>   'elements': [],
>>   'group': [],
>> {

4.5. Element (wrapper)

The Element object, is a wrapper for managing individual web elements. This object provides a targeted api for particular elements, rather than having to depend solely on the selenium webdriver. It features many useful short-hand properties and methods, and uses the pyselenium-js driver under the hood for stability.

This entity is not to be confused with the official selenium api’s WebElement entity. Given the decorator @component_element, whenever referenced the component property will return a new instance of the Element wrapper catered to the specific element using the provided selector.

4.5.1. Formatting Selectors

As shown in Getting Started, elements may be defined with template selectors. Take for example the following component element provider:

def button(self):
    return 'button[ng-click="${method}"]'

You can format the element’s selector prior to executing any operations.


4.5.2. Fetching a Selenium WebElement

The element wrapper will still allow you to fetch selenium WebElement objects and access the standard selenium bindings.

>> WebElement

4.5.3. Getting Element Text

To scrape text from an element, the element wrapper provides an api method text:


# scrape raw text (inner html)

4.5.4. Getting Element Value

Input elements provide a property, value, which selenium does not provide explicit bindings for. Using the api method value you may pull the value from any input element (including select, button, radiobutton).


4.5.5. Getting and Setting Element Attribute

Using the element wrapper, an element’s attribute can be fetched like so:


Additionally, an element’s attribute can be set using the set_attribute api method (chainable):

    .set_attribute('hidden', False)\
    .wait_visible(3, error=True)

Under the hood, pyselenium-js will automatically convert javascript types into pythonic types and inverse.

4.5.6. Getting and Setting Element Property

This feature is not supported by the official selenium bindings (or remote api).

Using the element wrapper, an element’s property can be fetched like so:


Additionally, an element’s attribute can be set using the set_property api method (chainable):

    .set_property('checked', True)\
    .wait_for(3, error=True)

As explained in the attribute section, pyselenium-js under the hood will automatically convert javascript types into pythonic types and inverse.

4.5.7. Clicking and Double Clicking an Element

The official selenium bindings attempt to click on an element based on it’s coordinate position, to emulate a natural click event on a given element. The problem with this, is more modern websites rely on z-index styling rules for pop ups and raised panels; making it impossible to locate the correct coordinates otherwise raising a WebDriverException exception. This behavior has also shown to be especially problematic in nested iframes.

The element wrapper’s click method will dispatch a click event directly to the target element. Additionally, the wrapper provides an api method dbl_click to double click on a given element – this feature is not supported by the official selenium bindings.

These two methods are also chainable:


If you require the traditional clicking behavior, simplify fetch a selenium WebElement like so:


Additionally, for elements that do not listen on the click event but rather mouseup or mousedown, you may refer to the api methods mouseup and mousedown (chainable):


You may also leverage the select api method for option child elements of select elements for proper selection.


    <option value="py">Python</option>
    <option value="js">Javascript</option>



4.5.8. Scrolling To an Element

Scrolling to an element can be done using the scroll_to api method (chainable).


4.5.9. Dispatching an Event

Flexing the capabilities of pyselenium-js, we can construct and dispatch events to a given element like so:

    .trigger_event('click', 'MouseEvent', {'bubbles': True})\
    .wait_invisible(timeout=5, error=True)

This method is chainable as the example details.

4.5.10. Sending Input

To send input to an element, refer to the send_input api method (chainable):

# send_input will always clear the provided field or element before sending input

# you may disable the field or element clearing by using the clear flag
    .send_input('rocks', clear=False)

# in the event the component element is a custom element that accepts input
# and it does not support the focus event, the selenium bindings will raise a WebDriverException
# you may use the force flag to overwrite the innerhtml of the element rather than
# traditionally sending input
component.email_field.send_input('pyscc', force=True)

4.5.11. Waiting For an Element

One of the more helpful features of the element wrapper is it’s suite of built in waits. To simply wait for an element to be available, you may use the wait_for api method (chainable) like so:

# wait 5 seconds for element to be available

# alternatively you can also have the wait automatically error out if the condition is not met
    .wait_for(5, error=True)\

# custom error messages can also be specified as the error flag
    .wait_for(5, error='Component button was not avaialable as expected')\

# when waiting for an element to be unavailable, simply use the available flag
    .wait_for(5, available=False, error=True)

4.5.12. Waiting For Visibility

If you require the visibility of an element, the element wrapper allows you to wait for the visibility or invisibility of an element with the api methods wait_visible and wait_invisible (chainable).

# wait for an element to become visible
    .wait_visible(5, error=True)\

# wait for an element to become invisible

4.5.13. Waiting For an Element To Be Enabled

To wait for an element to be enabled or disabled, refer to the api methods wait_enabled and wait_disabled (chainable)

# wait for an element to become enabled
    .wait_enabled(5, error=True)\

# wait for an element to become disabled

4.5.14. Javascript Conditional Wait

Pulling from the pyselenium-js api, you may alternatively asynchronously farm a wait to your target browser. This can also be especially useful when waiting for conditions that occur in timespans < 1 second.

Syntax is as follows:

# wait on an interval of every 150 ms for element to include as class 'btn-danger'
component.button.wait_js('$el.getAttribute("class").includes("btn-danger")', 150)

The element can be accessed within the condition by the alias $el. To validate the javascript wait status, refer to Checking Wait Status (javascript).

4.5.15. Checking Availability

The element wrapper provides two callable, explicit check for element availablity. Refer to the available and not_available api methods.

>> True, False

>> True, False

4.5.16. Checking Visibility

The element wrapper provides two callable, explicit check for element visibility. Refer to the visible and invisible api methods.

>> True, False

>> True, False

4.5.17. Checking Enabled

Refer to the api methods enabled and disabled to check whether a DOM node is enabled or disabled.

>> True, False

>> True, False

4.5.18. Checking Wait Status (javascript)

The api method wait_status can be used to validate the wait status of a previously dispatched wait request on an element instance.

button = component.button
# wait on an interval of every 150 ms for element to include as class 'btn-danger'
button.wait_js('$el.getAttribute("class").includes("btn-danger")', 150)
>> True, False

4.6. Elements (wrapper)

The Elements object, is a wrapper for managing groups of web elements. This object provides a targeted api for particular elements, rather than having to depend solely on the selenium webdriver. It features many useful short-hand properties and methods, and uses the pyselenium-js driver under the hood for stability.

This entity is not to be confused with the official selenium api’s WebElement entity. Given the decorator @component_elements, whenever referenced the component property will return a new instance of the Elements wrapper catered to the specific elements using the provided selector.

4.6.1. Formatting Selectors

As shown in Getting Started, elements may be defined with template selectors. Take for example the following component elements provider:

def users(self):
    return 'a.users.${class}'

You can format the element’s selector prior to executing any operations.

    .wait_for(5, length=1)

4.6.2. Fetching List of Selenium WebElements

The elements wrapper will still allow you to fetch selenium WebElements and access the standard selenium bindings.

>> [WebElement, ...]
for user in component.users.get():

4.6.3. Counting Existing Matches

The elements wrapper provides an api method count to allow you to fetch the number of given elements available.

>> int

4.6.4. Getting List of Element Text

To pull the text from every available element into a list, you may use the text api method like so:

>> [string, ...]

# scrape raw text (inner html)
>> [string, ...]

4.6.5. Getting List of Element Values

Input elements provide a property, value, which selenium does not provide explicit bindings for. Using the api method value you may pull the value from any input element (including select, button, radiobutton).

>> [string, ...]

4.6.6. Waiting For Number of Elements

A helpful feature of the elements wrapper, is the ability to wait for a number of elements to become available. This can be done using the wait_for api method (chainable).

component.users.wait_for(5, length=3)

# alternatively you can also have the wait automatically error out if the condition is not met
component.users.wait_for(5, length=3, error=True)

# custom error messages can also be specified as the error flag
component.users.wait_for(5, length=3,
    error="Expected at least 3 users to be available within 5 seconds")

# formatting error messages
component.users.wait_for(5, length=3,
    error="Expected at least ${expected} users to be available found ${found}")

# by default, wait_for will wait for the number of specified elements to be present
# to execute a strict wait on length, you may use the strict flag
component.users.wait_for(5, length=5, strict=True,
    error="Expected 5 users to be available within 5 seconds")

4.6.7. Waiting For Visibility of Elements

Another powerful feature of the elements wrapper, is the ability to wait for both a number of elements to be available and visible. Refer to the wait_visible api method (chainable):

component.users.wait_visible(5, length=5, error=True)

You may also use the wait_invisible api method (chainable) to wait for your target elements to be invisible.

component.users.wait_invisible(5, length=5, error=True)

4.6.8. Waiting For Elements To Be Enabled

To wait for a collection of elements to be available and enabled, you may leverage the wait_enabled api method (chainable):

component.users.wait_enabled(5, length=5, error=True)

You may also use the wait_disabled api method (chainable) to wait for your target elements to be disabled.

component.users.wait_disabled(5, length=5)

4.6.9. Check Visibility

The api method visible is a callable check to ensure the currently available elements are all visible.

>> True, False

4.6.10. Check Enabled

Refer to the api methods enabled and disabled to check whether the currently available elements are enabled or disabled.

>> True, False

>> True, False

4.6.11. Getting and Setting Elements’ Attribute

Using the elements wrapper, an attribute of a given list of elements can be fetched like so:


Additionally, a list of elements’ attribute can be set using the set_attribute api method (chainable):

    .set_attribute('hidden', False)\
    .wait_visible(3, error=True)

Under the hood, pyselenium-js will automatically convert javascript types into pythonic types and inverse.

4.6.12. Getting and Setting Elements’ Property

This feature is not supported by the official selenium bindings (or remote api).

Using the elements wrapper, a property of a given list of elements can be fetched like so:


Additionally, a list of elements’ properties can be set using the set_property api method (chainable):

    .set_property('disabled', True)\
    .wait_for(3, error=True)

As explained in the attribute section, pyselenium-js under the hood will automatically convert javascript types into pythonic types and inverse.

4.7. Component Groups

Several elements that can be attributed to a particular root element, can be denoted as a component group. Component groups help keep our component objects clean, readable, and maintanable. The following is an example of when you would use a component group,


As can be seen from the image above, a task can be interpreted as a component group because each task is composed of several elements that are a child of the task’s container. This can be converted into a component group like so:

def task(self):
    return {
        '_': 'todo-task#${id}',  # optional root selector
        'checkbox': 'input[type="checkbox"]', # becomes: 'todo-task#${id} input[type="checkbox"]'
        'title': 'span#title',
        'created': 'span#created',
        'assignee': 'a#assignee'


task = component.task.fmt(id=1)
    .wait_visible(5, error=True)\

Component groups also have a very simplistic api to exercise basic checks on their child elements.

4.7.1. Check For Availability of Elements

You may check if a component group’s child elements are available with a single call to the available api method:

>> True, False

Alternatively, you may also check if all child elements are unavailable by using not_available.

>> True, False

4.7.2. Check For Visibility of Elements

To check the visibility of a component group’s child elements, you may refer to the api methods visible and invisible.

>> True, False

>> True, False

4.7.3. Checking Elements Enabled

Refer to the api methods enabled and disabled to check whether a component group’s child elements are enabled or disabled.

>> True, False

>> True, False

4.7.4. Finding Child Elements

Component group’s offer a the find api method to dynamically search for child elements by their name.

>> Element